Images from www.skyreach-uk.com/index-SummaCampEng.html
KL - Beijing about 6 hours flight n about RM2k ++ return flight fare.
Why Beijing & Xian? The Great Wall of China n Terracotta Soldiers of course…..I love ancient ruins n old structures from hundreds n thousands of years ago; well one of my ambitions of ‘what do you want to be when you grow up’ thingy – archeologist! Ha ha then I found out ..hmm well the job is more kinda like job satisfaction thingy rather than money thingy ha ha n my path deviated...
Anyway, my love for ancient structures remain till today, so far I’ve visited Borobudur, Perambanan, Angkor Wat, Coliseum, Leaning Tower of Pisa, palaces, castles n various structures in Europe, ha ha Candi Batu Pahat in Kedah, I’m hoping that one day I would be able to visit Egypt (pyramids), Peru (Machu Pichu), Turkey, Petra in Jordan, Easter Island, Taj Mahal etc.
Wow if only time travel is possible, the machine inventor will create tons of money from time tourists…:-) (not to mention from other opportunists) who wouldn’t want to visit the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus, the Temple of Artemis, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and the Lighthouse of Alexandria? and various other ancient wonders……and meeting legends like Alexander The Great, Mahsuri (just to see if her blood was really white ha ha), and how about Sang Kelembai (don’t you wish you can catch him in action turning people into stone by just saying Hi!)….
Trivia “…One question most people would probably ask is, why are there seven wonders of the world and not eight or 13?
"Seven is a very practical number because it seems to be exactly the number of things the average person can remember, challenging the brain. http://www.thesundaily.com/articlePrint.cfm?id=8545
Well..back to reality…thud thud ouch!!!
Beijing offers lots of stuff - Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven, Beijing Zoo, Lama Temple, Beihai Park, Hutong, Beijing outskirt – mountains n forest, valleys, gulleys n caves, parks n lakes n even grassland n ski resort! n of course newest additions like bird nest stadium etc.
Halal Restaurants

Image from http://littlemissmay.com/index.php/?p=212
1. http://www.islamichina.com/halalsinchina.asp?cityid=2&m=1
2. http://www.islamicity.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=6993
3. http://www.travelchinaguide.com/cityguides/beijing/dinning/muslim.htm
4. Beijing Resaurants for Muslim & Vegetarian http://www.chinahighlights.com/beijing/food-restaurant.htm
5. Click muslim http://www.regenttour.com/chinaplanner/pek/bj-food-restaurant.htm#g
6. Afunti http://www.virtualtourist.com/travel/Asia/China/Beijing_Shi/Beijing-1024960/Restaurants-Beijing-Afunti_Uighur_Restaurant-BR-1.html
7. Barbeque Ji Restaurant in Houhai http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-07/15/content_8550428.htm
8. http://www.btmbeijing.com/contents/en/business/2006-07/branding/laozihao
9. Dong Lai Shun http://www.chow.com/stories/11258
10. Kaorou Ji http://www.beijingeguide.com/restaurant.php
11. Xinjiang Red Rose http://www.cityweekend.com.cn/beijing/listings/dining/muslim_xinjiang/has/xinjiang-red-rose-restaurant/
12. vegetarian http://www.china.org.cn/video/2008-09/05/content_16391520.htm
1. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/thorntree/thread.jspa;jsessionid=2D0E1EBB1A0B0D99A458681040D849D8.thorntree3?messageID=14527235
2. http://www.chinaheritagenewsletter.org/features.php?searchterm=005_halal.inc&issue=005
3. http://www.halaljournal.com/index.php?page=article&act=show&category=2&pid=2078&PHPSESSID=e5c9772b8e8be2053dc...
4. http://www.china.org.cn/video/2008-09/05/content_16394615.htm
5. http://www.beijingtraveltips.com/
6. http://gochina.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ/Ya&sdn=gochina&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.beijingtrip.com%2Fattractions%2Findex.htm
7. http://www.tour-beijing.com/top_10_must_see_attractions_in_beijing/

Image from http://www.anniebees.com/China/China_42.htm
Beijing - Xian: about 2 hours flight, USD151 (RM530) return flight fare.
My fascination with Xian began long time ago (I was really young, maybe in my primary school?), I watched a lot of Chinese movies with stories which has something to do with terracotta army, one was about a couple - the husband was one of Qin’s soldiers then something happened (couldn’t really recall) then they reincarnated in modern time n met each other again or something like that.
Anyway, because of those movies I wish I could see terracotta army with my own eyes (ha ha in this way Malacca State Gov was right in a way for conferring Datukship to Shah Rukh Khan – So far you may have noticed that my desire to visit certain locations (jiuzhaigou, Angkor Wat, Xian, Petra) was triggered by images I watched in movies!).
Apart from army of terracotta soldiers, what else to see in Xian? Well read here http://www.globosapiens.net/travel-information/Xi great info.
Traveller’s note “Well if you ever decide to go to China, one of the best spots to go see in Xi'an, for a few reasons: 1 it is the oldest place in China with 7,000 years of life, 2 it is rich with history and blended culture. I have lived in China for 19 months now and have seen the north and the south so far, but nothing compares to Xi'an.” If you travel out to the countryside you will see some parts of the dried up river beds that have turned to lush green valleys. In among these valleys there are ancient mud hut homes that are unique to this area. Back in time people could carve their homes out of the sides of the hills and the ground was like a solid clay, terracotta in color.
Another amazing thing you will see are the tombs that are scattered over the land, the land is very flat and at 1st they look like little hills displaced in the fields, but they are tombs of royalty such as the pyramids or the mayan tombs. Most of the sights that you will see are in the outter lying areas which can be traveled to in less then 3 hrs. http://www.globosapiens.net/travel-information/Xi
Hotel With Halal Restaurants

Image from http://www.hotelxian.com/post/30.html
1. http://www.accorhotels.com/gb/hotel-5949-sofitel-xian-on-renmin-square/restaurant.shtml
2. http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g298557-d459791-Reviews-Melody_Hotel-Xi_an_Shaanxi.html
Hotel near halal eateries
1. http://www.china-tour.cn/Xian/Xian-Restaurants.htm
Halal restaurants
1. http://www.islamichina.com/halalsinchina2.asp?cityid=5&m=5
2. http://www.zabihah.com/ls.php?id=506
3. Xian Laosun Jia http://www.china-tour.cn/Xian/Xian-Restaurants.htm
4. Laosunjia http://www.lonelychina.com/xian/xian-restaurants.html
5. Prosperity & Fortune / Xian Fanzhuang http://www.fodors.com/world/asia/china/the-silk-road/restaurants-nam_loc:638264.html
1. http://wikitravel.org/en/Xian
2. http://www.xian-travel.com/facts.htm
3. http://tracy-tan.blogspot.com/2007/10/xian-food-delights.html
4. http://ezinearticles.com/?Muslim-Street-(Muslim-Quarter)---Sightseeing-Xian&id=1299177
5. http://www.virtourist.com/asia/china/xian/20.htm
6. http://www.virtualtourist.com/travel/Asia/China/Shaanxi_Sheng/Xian-997440/Things_To_Do-Xian-Muslim_Quarters-BR-1.html
7. http://www.chinahighlights.com/xian/attraction/muslim-street.htm
8. http://www.krolltravel.com/stories/China_Xian.html
9. http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-448670.html
10. http://www.radio86.co.uk/explore-learn/travel/7260/the-great-mosque-of-xian-at-the-roots-of-chinas-muslim-community
11. http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/ormeir1/3/1224030600/tpod.html
12. http://www.shanghaidiaries.com/archives/2004/08/17/chewing_the_fat_in_xian/
13. http://www.travelchinaguide.com/cityguides/xian/dining.htm
14. http://realtravel.com/xian-journals-j4208552.html
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