Image from http://compass.ups.com/goingglobal/article.aspx?id=558
Do you know that nearly 1 in 5 people in the world claims the faith of Islam? I don't...n it is good to know ha ha easier to travel around the world as halal restaurants will be out there somewhere....:-) just need to look hard enough.
As for China, Muslims make up about 2% of its population - about 30million! Ha ha higher than total population in Malaysia...
Interesting facts about muslim population in the world http://islam.about.com/library/weekly/aa120298.htm
Since we are now in southern China chapter, lets look at restaurants that muslim could visit whenever they are within the vicinity.......
Image from http://masak-masak.blogspot.com/
Halal / Vegetarian restaurants
1) http://www.islamichina.com/halalsinchina2.asp?cityid=38&m=5
2) http://www.1001nights.biz/index2.html
3) http://www.shenzhenparty.com/news/blogs/halal-food-muslim- restaurants-shenzhen
4) http://ajganggarak.multiply.com/video/item/16/Shenzhen_Halal_Restaurant_-_Shinjiang_People
5) http://www.shenzhenbuzz.com/totw_02
Muslim hotel
1) http://www.dawn.com/weekly/dmag/archive/070225/dmag8.htm
2) http://arryyo.blogspot.com/2008_06_01_archive.html
3) http://abuikhlas.blogspot.com/2007/07/adventure-to-shenzen-china.html
4) http://www.halal-asia.com/tacontent.asp?id=43#3
Image from http://masak-masak.blogspot.com
Halal / Vegetarian restaurants
1) http://www.islamichina.com/halalsinchina2.asp?cityid=22&m=3
2) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070419035631AA7gAuG
3) Al Tandoor http://members.virtualtourist.com/m/46443/f8793/2/
4) http://members.virtualtourist.com/m/8fc89/f8793/2/
5) http://jameswongwingon-online.blogspot.com/2006/10/elderly-ma-familys-restaurant-in.html
6) Uncle Cafe http://community.travelchinaguide.com/forum2.asp?i=49123
7) Vegetarian http://www.travelchinaguide.com/cityguides/guangdong/guangzhou/dining.htm
8) Vegetarian http://www.canfair.com/guangzhou/dining-in-guangzhou/
9) Vegetarian http://www.spachina.com/food_drink/category/vegetarian/city/guangzhou_shenzhen/
More at http://www.zabihah.com/ls.php?id=186
Tips - Guangzhou
1) http://www.lifeofguangzhou.com/node_10/node_37/node_85/2008/03/02/120442241234890.shtml
2) http://www.willgoto.com/1/143608/liens.aspx
Image from http://singapuradailyphoto.blogspot.com/2008/07/madeleines-original-portuguese-egg-tart.html
Halal / Vegetarian restaurants:
1) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080512201618AAEUTUq
2) Curry House http://www.virtualtourist.com/travel/Asia/Macao/Macao-1495520/Restaurants-Macao-BR-1.html
3) Aruna http://www.macau.com/index.php?option=com_restaurants&Itemid=232&task=show_details&sort_by=dateDesc&id=174
5) Vegetarian http://www.spachina.com/food_drink/category/vegetarian/city/macau/
6) http://www.happycow.net/asia/china/macau/index.html
7) Vegetarian Farm review http://www.wizardofmacau.com/general/food.html
1) http://bluekoala.blogspot.com/2007/05/kl-macau-hong-kong-zhuhai.html
2) http://onemonthinmacau.wordpress.com/2008/08/17/macau-food/
3) http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2005/3/5/features/10287052&sec=features
4) http://www.chingling.net/blog/2008/08/04/discover-hong-kong-day-3/
5) http://www.malaysianbabes.net/forum/accomodation-in-macau-t6347.html
6) http://www.kukujian.com/2008/07/03/no-more-a-china-virgin/
A very good read on chinese islamic cuisine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Islamic_cuisine
I went to Shenzen last year too. It was all good except that we don't have much RMB left and we tried to use our Visa credit card on the purchases and know what?! They told us China don't accept Visa/ Master credit card. They use their own China Credit card! At the end I couldnt really shop much. :(
Hi, saw you blog (sis was surfing for halal food in HK, great site man!
The cities you've covered in China is EXACTLY the same one that I wish to cover. Cool! I know what you mean by being intrigue by watching the movies, as for me, by stufying them - me studied in chinese school for 15 yrs.
My dream is to cover all the Wonders Of The World & all the UNESCO site. Hope we can share with each other more.
In one word - I am a TRAVELHOLIC!
You can see some of my travel pics in my FB - lilyriani
"In my recent trip to Clark Freeport, I chanced upon an amazing restaurant inside Mimosa. It's just past the Holiday Inn. It was better than the high-end restaurants in 5-star hotels in Manila! I think the name is YATS Restaurant. It is not that expensive but the food is great and they have an incredible wine cellar too."
"I have to share this with you - the lamb rack at YATS Restaurant is out of this world. Aside from the fact the lamb is cooked to perfection, the sidings are even more exciting. This is real fine-dining stuff, best I have seen in this country, and second to none that I have seen in other cities including Singapore and Tokyo."
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