Image from http://www.thelustforlife.com/
What triggers my fascination with Vietnamese food? Beef noodle (Pho Bo)!
Looooog time ago, I went to my bf’s office at Jln Sultan Ismail to meet him for dinner, he was busy n the road was heavily clogged with cars, so we decided to walk over to the The Lodge n have quick dinner there. I ordered Vietnamese beef noodle n it was delicious!
After some time (long time after that), we went there again n they no longer served the dish! Since then been trying to look for good Pho Bo but so far no luck.
I’ve tried Pho Bo at Bangsar Village (I can’t remember the restaurant’s name) not nice at all. Anyway, sometimes just to satisfy my craving, I’ll go to Secret Recipe for their so so beef noodle. What to do, not many halal Vietnamese eateries around KL
Recently I saw The Star published a recipe on Pho Bo, maybe I’ll try n cook.....ha ha.
For introduction to beef noodles visit this site http://kyspeaks.com/2005/07/09/ky-eats-vietnamese-beef-noodle-soup-pho/
Few months back, my ex-boss suggested that we meet up for dinner, so of course my ex-colleagues turned to me for suggestion since “I’m the one with lots of dos n don’ts”, so I suggested CoDo (been there several times with my friends) – my ex-boss wasn’t super happy with the selection n suggested to another colleague that we should go to Sao Nam; but it was a last minute call n they wasn’t sure abt halal/pork free status of Sao Nam, so we ended up at CoDo. I guess the rest of us was happy with CoDo but I think my x-boss still wished that we opted for Sao Nam instead. Well maybe next time...
Eateries listed below are either halal/pork free – call the outlets to verify which is which, n if the eatery is pork free whether meat use is halal or not.
1. Vinh City Bkt Bintang Plaza
2. La Lot Pavillion
3. Viet Passion Chulan Square
4. Sao Nam Vietnamese Restaurant Tengkat Tongshin
5. Pho Hoa The Curve
6. CoDo Vietnamese Restaurant @ Mid Valley
7. http://malaysianfoodguide.com/2008/05/09/du-viet-up-town-pj/
8. Cungdinh Vietnam Restaurant, One Bangsar, Jln ara off Jln Maarof Bangsar
Well done...
Thanks CL (Chong?), long time no hear..
I mentioned abt The Lodge in the post, yes? Actually food there not bad at all - reasonable n quite decent.
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