Monday, 26 January 2009
Gong Xi Fa Chai
Well tonight instead of just eat I decided I should bring something, so off I went to Cold Storage at 1-Utama at 4pm to buy chicken and stuff for chicken rendang.
Came back and started cooking. I thought I should jot it down, so next time I know whether people are over charging me or not when I buy from them.
Chicken RM22 (2kg)
Rendang spices (RM10)
Daun Kunyit (RM0.99
Daun Limau purut (RM0.99)
Coconut (3 whole coconut - grated) RM5.40
Total: RM40.00 + gas (2.5 hr) + water + electricity + car fuel (Sri D'sara-1-Utama-Sri D'sara) + parking (RM1) + tol + labour
Anyway back to Chinese New Year story - as usual his mom cooked for reunion dinner but only me, my bf and his bro family were there as the rest had their dinner with their in-laws. Dishes? of course everything that has auspicious meaning to invite the new year.
Tonight at his sis's house, my rendang was a hit! Ha ha. Felt very much welcome, his nephew missed me and he was so glad to see me that he hugged me to the delights of everyone.
I think I made a good decision of cooking the rendang and brought some mangoes to his sis's house.
As usual both my bf & I received angpow from his married siblings and mom. But tonight we had to leave early (as per previous years we stayed and chit chatted while others played mahjong til 1am or 2am) as his client invited him (or rather insisted) that my bf pay him a visit.
Ohh I received oranges and pineapple tart too. DELICIOUS.
Other options for chinese new year dishes:
Udang Masak Kelio
Sumber: Buku Pandai Memasak
600 g udang
8 biji cili merah ]
2 ulas bawang putih ] digiling
8 ulas bawang merah ]
2 sm kunyit hidup ] 1½ biji kelapa - ambil santan pekat
3 batang serai - dititik
3 keping asam gelugur
3 helai duan limau purut
Garam, minyak untuk menumis
Tumiskan bahan-bahan giling sampai garing, lama sedikit baru masukkan santan. Biarkan sampai pekat baru masukkan udang, serai dan daun limau purut. Masak sampai kering.
Sambal Udang Kerisik
500gm udang
1 sudu besar kerisik
1 cawan santan pekat
1 biji bawang besar - dikisar
4ulas bawang putih - dikisar
3 - 4 sudu besar cili giling
garam secukup rasa
Cara memasak
1. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih hingga naik baunya.
2. Masukkan gili giling, kacau dan biarkan hingga pecah minyak.
3. Masukkan udang, kerisik dan santan dan biarkan mendidih.
4. Setelah kuahnya agak kering, masukkan garam secukup rasa. Kacau rata.
5. Tutup api, angkat dan bolehlah dihidangkan.
Ayam Masak Merah
1 ekor ayam--dipotong kecil
1 tin kecil tomato puri
1 biji kelapa--ambil santan pekat
3 btg serai
4 inci lengkuas
2 inic halia
15 ulas bawang merah
2 sudu besar serbuk kunyit
200 gm minyak masak
Garam dan gula secukup rasa
Cara membuat
Goreng ayam separuh masak. Angkat dan tos minyaknye
Tumis bawang putih, bawang merah dan halia sehingga garing. Then masukkan tomato puri dan goreng sehingga naik bau
Masukkan santan, serai, lengkuas dan biarkan kuah pekat.
Masukkan garam dan serbuk perasa secukup rasa
Last sekali, masukkan ayam yg telah digoreng. Biarkan ia empuk barulah angkat
Note: Kalau nak pedas, boleh letak cili kisar
Kari Ayam Kapitan :
* 10 dried chillies - soaked and remove seeds
* 10 red chillies
* 4 onions
* 1 bulb garlic
* 1 thumb size tumeric
* 6 candlenuts
* 6 lemongrass
* 1 piece belacan
Blend them into a paste and fry with oil till fragrant. Add in one chicken (about 1.2kg, cut into 6 huge chunks). Simmer and add coconut milk and lime juice. Season with a bit of sugar and salt.
Just before serving, slice kaffir lime leaves and sprinkle on the chicken.
Devil's Curry
* 4 tbs oil
* 2 tsp mustard seed
* 2 large onions, quartered
* 1 chicken cut into 12 bite sized pieces
* 4 potatoes, quartered
* 3 red chilies, sliced lengthwise
* 2 tsp thick soy sauce
* 2 tsp salt
* 2-3tsp water
* 1 tsp pepper
* Vinegar and sugar to taste
* 1 1/2 tsp salt
Blend into a fine paste:
* 10 fresh chilies
* 12 dried chilies soaked in warm water for 20 mins and drained, throw away the seeds
* 15 small red shallots, peeled
* 6 cloves garlic, peeled
* 2 cm fresh turmeric, skinned
* 2 cm fresh ginger, skinned
* 5 candlenuts
* 5 tsp water
1. Heat oil in a wok over medium fire.
2. Stir fry the mustard seeds until they pop.
3. Add blended ingredients into the hot pan, stirring 2-3 minutes until fragrant.
4. Add quartered onions, potatoes and fresh chilies. Stir for about five minutes.
5. Add chicken, soya sauce, salt and water. Turn fire to low and simmer for about 30 minutes. Stirring all the time.
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Good Food in Kedah & Perlis
Been reading Kedah & Perlis good food guide by Flavours (March-April 2005)...good guide WAYYYY before food blogging as we know today :-)
I'm from Kedah and yet every time I'm in Kedah I'll eat home cooked food (to make up what I missed in KL), so most places recommended by the guide I've yet to try. I guess I'll try them when I'm in Kedah next time and when not in a rush....
Quite a good list from a blogger
Nasi Campur:
According to the guide good nasi campur in Alor Star could be found in Dee Nasi Kampung (about 100 dishes offered) opens 8am-5pm close on fridays & Restoran Sri Pumpong (operated since more than 10 years ago) opens 10am-8.30pm, close on Fridays in Pumpong Alor Star. I've tried Dee Nasi Kampung and love it, I've also tried Restoran Sri Pumpong. Equally good but I prefer Dee Nasi Kampung and will not miss visiting the restaurant whenever I'm in town. Read my previous posting on Dee.
- a stall next to Pusat Pakar Perubatan Putra 888, Jln Sekerat. opens 6.30am-2.30pm and close on Saturdays. I didn't know about this place, if not I would have tried it when I was visiting my dad when he was warded next door - as at 2005 a packet RM0.50! but you'll eat more than a packet. 8 different types of packed nasi lemak and also sells 40 types of kuih and nasi dagang.
- Next place Restoran Haji Ali in 1160A Seberang Perak opens 5.30pm-3am - opened in 1960! offer more than 30 dishes!
- Also good a place call Zam Zam Nasi Lemak 937A Lrg Merpati off Jln Langgar opens 7am-2pm / 6pm-11pm - been around over four decades! offer more than 15 dishes.
- Zam Zam Hanifa Nasi Lemak (Restoran Selera, 64T Jln Teluk Wan Jah opposite Menara Zakat) opens 6.30am-2pm - has five outlets in Alor Star. average 16 dishes on offer daily.
Nasi Kandar -
- a stall at Kedai Makanan & Minuman Kim Bee Chew, 8 Jln Tunku Ibrahim opens 6.30am-2.30pm. The owner's father use to ply his trade on foot (hence the origin of Nasi Kandar - balancing of pole on both shoulders with dishes on each side). More than 20 dishes serves daily.
- Zakaria Laksa Teluk Kechai, 250 Jln Kuala Kedah opens 1pm-8pm close on Fridays - go early as by 6pm you may not get your laksa.
Murtabak - Restoran Rose 1522 Jln Sultan Badlishah opens 7am-10.30pm - renowned for over 30 years.
pasal mi abu ni kan, aku geli sikit nak makan pasai dengark macam-macam cegheta pasai mi mamak ni. tu aku tektiap kali balek kampung bukan tak ghasa nak masuk rose restoran pekena mi dan murtabak dia. tapi tu la, bila tengok dia hidang mi kat aku paih tu ayark tangan dia dok basah-basah masuk dalam kuah mi aku jadi 'lan' nak makan, ntah, ghasa satu macam geli geleman pulak. kot la ni dah bersih dah tak tau la.
Roti canai - stall next to Kurnia Wakil Insuran 112B Jln Datuk Kumbar opens 6.30am-11am close on Sundays - operating since more than 20 years ago.
Puttu - Kedai Kopi & Hotel Kheng Nam 37 Jln Langgar opens 7.30am-6.30pm - operating over 35 years!
Sungai Petani
Mee Goreng/Rebus, Pasembor - Restoran Taulat 1 Jln Pasar Baru opens 11am-8pm close alternate Fridays. As at 2005 a plate RM2.20. Started busines 40 years ago!
Ikan Bakar - Dataran Ikan Bakar Jln Pengkalan Tmn Pekan Baru opens 6.30pm-12am close on Wednedays.
Thosai / Idli -
- A stall opposite Mathen Clinic
- Sri Ananda Bahwan Restaurant 206A Jln Market opens 7am-11pm close on 15th of every month.
Ice blended coconut drink - last stall next to a river, 59 Bgn PKNK Jln Petri opens 9am-6pm.
Cendol - Push cart outside Kedai Serbaneka next to Photo Ria, Jln Dewa opens 11.30am-7pm - more than 24 years business!
Nasi Campur - Warong Pokok Sawa Kg Kerisik Mata Air opens 11.30am-4pm close on Fridays. Offers more than 40 dishes with catfish specialties.
Hameed Nasi Kandar stall 8 opposite Pasar Besar Kangar opens 7.30am-1.30pm close alternate Thursdays. Stall is more than 30 years old. Offers 20 dishes daily.
D'Bendang 35B Jln Besar Arau opens 12pm-2am - malay / thai / western - popular dessert Pulut Durian & Cendol Pulut.
Lynda Ikan Bakar 10/11/12 Kuala Perlis food court opens 6pm-12am.
Roti canai - Stall 15 opposite Pasar Besar Kangar opens 7am-12pm. In business for more than 15 years.
Other recommended places (by bloggers / forum participants):
Alor Star
Recommendation from
- nasi campur= res seri pumpong
- kalo utk lunch aku cadang hg pi restoran makwan kat tapak skolah convent lama
- selalunya bila aku balik kpg bini aku MESTI ajak aku p beli nasik awie kat jln putra bersebelahan shell tu.... sedap dan rega memang morah la
- pi makan kat restoren RN Teguh dpn menara, kat sekolah convent lama. ok juga kat situ. banyak pilihan lauk-pauk. bihun sup pun ada. nasi ayam ada. macam2 ada.
- ada 1 gerai nasi kandaq sedap kat jln Tg bendahara.....dulu kat sini ada pasaraya peladang...skrg peladang dah tutup
- Lan nasi kandar kat belakang peruda.....lagi satu Restoran Haji Ali...memang best giler..
- Lorong Merpati - Nasik Kandaq depan Kolej or Nasik Kandaq kat Market Besaq (Gerai dekat dgn jalan nak beli ikan, nasik warna kuning) or kedai nasik kandaq dekat simpang kola tu pun sedap..tapi aku tak pernah masuk...
- tomyam=lot 4 medan kota
- nasi ayam= kat kopitiam kanchut
- Gerai nasik ayam kat Pekan Rabu tu memang mengancam. Sedap teramat!:P
- nasi lemak royal kat pantai johor
- rasanya nasi lemak pagi2 ni byk yg sedap..
1) kat jln ultanah kat jambatan ke mergung tu... singgit je sebungkus penuhhh.
2) kat tmn golf... kat kedai raja.. ada untie tu mcm tomboy skit..
3) kat pantai johor.. gerai kat traffic light.. sebelah kiri hala ke anak bukit - weih takdak sapa tau kaa pasal nasi lemak depan menara zakat......aku tan ingat ar nama apa...rasanya nasi lemak pak syed kot.....alah,yang siap ngan kacang n sambal dia dulu letak atas daun pisang tu.....sedap seyh.....aku selalu gak pi beli time balik cuti dulu..alah....yg depan kedai runcit mamak tuh......dia bukan kedai tp gerai keta tolak jaa
- kalau mee goreng mamak= mee abu ljn sultanah / Mee goreng 'bodo' kat Pasar Malam Mergong(mamak) / Mee Goreng Derga
- laksa kuala kedah/laksa kat bangunan ukir/laksa mama / Laksa Telok Kuchai
- kalo laksa/bihun sup kalu..hg pi kat bangunan ukir laa tepi city plaza. Tapi tempat makan dia agak sempit, kena makan cepat-cepat. Ramai orang"
- Mee Sup Malaysia
- bihun sup sayur kat mergong.. lot kecik je..opposite ngn pizza hut kot tak salah
- mee kuah kat pantai johor.. tp ni hawker je.. kat masjid tepi pasaraya peladang
- ...kedai mee rebuis yg sedap yg aku tau kat buloh 5
- kuew teow th'ng [betui ke eja ni?] kat medan selera kat jalan pegawai, opp. masjid..
- ikan bakar samudera kat hutan kampung.. satu lagi cawangan kat kuala kedah..tak ingat cawangan dia nama apa..
- Kalau nak makan sate, saya makan kat atas city plaza. kat food court.
- bagi sesiaap yg suka makan satey aku syorkan hampa beli satey pak cik Mei....sepucuk 20sen/2kupang..mmg sedap......dia meniaga rata2 pasar malam....tapi paling mudah beli kat pasar malam tokai
- ada 1 kedai pasemboq bes..kat area tg bendahara la jugak....dulu kedai dia tepi esso jln sultanah ni..pas tu pindah kedai plak...trus dah malas nak pi beli...jauh dari umah dah..
- western food = restoran pak tuan jln sultanah/joned cafe, jln stadium / mama cop papa grill kat jln pegawai...
- stimbot kat restoran et [xtau nama tempat tp sumwhere kat pasar koboi ngn skolah convent dulu]
- fuhh kalo hg nak beger paling best yg aku penah mkn kat aloq staq nih..hg pi kat jln sultanah.dekat area rstoran mama..nama stall tu mutiara brger,depan ngan poliklinik mutiara.tatau depa boh dlm tu tp sedap ya rabbi....:lol:lol ada dua stall kat ctu hg jgn keliru.satlg salah beli jgn salahkan aku plak...:lol.
- lagi satu beger best kat beger gemilang jalan kota tanah. FUH!!!! sedap giler... malam2 je ada. kalao makan kat situ order la double plate ka, walalala... sedap adeeiihh~ mleleh ayaq lioq :P
- ..bila malam2 laki aku lapaq dia nanti keluar pi beli burger yang tepi jalan tu...kat mana lupa dah..ada satu masa tu, dua malam berturut2 laki aku pi beli burger dia ...dia tanya laki aku.." awat abang, bini tak masak ka?" cettt hampehhh tull, :ketuk: :ketuk: orang pi beli bukan nak terimakasih...pi ngata kat aku pulak...:lol :lo
- hot plate food court pacific tak sedap langsung tapi pasai dah kat alostaq nih tadak pilihan.. tang tu je ada.. tang tu je la hat sedap :cak:
- Cucuq Udang kat Stadium or Pasar Malam Mergong
- hmmmm...popia mahkamah jamal takdak peminat kaa???hahahaha,dekat jaa ngan umah aku stall dia.....
Recommended by Random Shots
- Thai - Restoran Thai Red Village Jalan Putra (not sure halal or not)
- Oasis Village Seafood Kuala Kedah opens 5pm-1am (not sure halal or not)
- Fish Head Curry - Orkid Tropika Cafe Angsana flats Jln Langgar (not sure halal or not)
- Western - Damira Grill Jln Pegawai area, near CIMB (not sure halal or not)
- Noodle Station & Big Apple Donut at Tesco
"The best place to start in Alor Setar is Pekan Rabu. a crowded place where you can find anything authentic and unique about the malays in Kedah. To try authentic Kedah's food, try Restoran Mustaffa in Pumpong (maybe has changed name), where you can try gulai keli, gulai tulang, daging panggang, sayur keladi, sup tulang, and many other tasty malay dishes, Kedah style. Or, if you want really good nasi kandar, try Nasi Lemak Ali, open after 5 pm. Now there is another restaurant in Simpang Kuala, Restoran Aina, also serves good food. Some people would recommend mee abu, but I have tried once, quite okay but nothing special for me. To the outsiders, they may not see the beauty of Alor Setar, but for me who have stayed there, it is the hometown I like to be in. I want to go back to this nostalgic place.
"...The weather was really very very hot. But the food there was fantastic. Especially during the fasting month. I love to eat pesembor, laksa buyong, cucuk udang n laksam at the pasar malam. Which U cannot get in Singapore. And the best thing is the ICE KACANG BARCELONA at opposite Giant, Alor Merah"
Excerpt from
Foods :
- 1) Laksa Telok Kechai
- 2) Pumpong Gulai Kawah - Pumpong Nasi Kampung.
6. Murtabak ROS
7. Nasi lemak Zam-Zam
8. kopitiam (kompleks alor star & convent)
9. Rong Reng (pure siam cuisine)--->Jitra
12. old town coffea
13. uncle john
14 pak hainan
Sungai Petani
Recommended by Jayce Ooi's Paradise
- Western food - LeBOSS Cafe Restaurant Legenda Height, Sungai Petani (near to Tesco Sungai Petani)
- Japanese - Yoshiya Japanese Restaurant Taman Patani Jaya
Park Avenue Hotel - However, Park Avenue Hotel’s Buffet Breakfast doesn’t disappoint at all.
Nasi Ayam - "kalau anda berada di Sungai Petani,Kedah pergilah ke Gerai Ojo Lali,namanya mungkin pelik tapi nasi lemak dan nasi campurnya sangat sedap.Lokasinya belakang Pejabat Pos Sg Petani,berhampiran dengan Bank Rakyat dan Telekom."
Taman Ria Jaya kalau tak silap....belakang yawata....ada pasemboq dgn cucuq udang yg sedap kat sama....
5 UTARA Restaurant for lunch. Located next to the main road, this restaurant serve Halal Thai food
"Nasi Lemak Ayam Panas - If you happened to be around Sintok or is on the way to Hatyai or Bukit Kayu Hitam, you should drop by this outlet - Nasi Lemak An. The stall is on your left as you head out from the UUM campus (about 3km from the campus). You can also call them at 012-467-5439 if you are unable to find its location"
Sunday, 18 January 2009
California Express BBQ and Grille Station - 1 Utama Old Wing
So by the time I finished with my facial it was already about 4.45pm and I was famished! But I need to run some errands for my sister (at Jusco) before I eat. Passed by KFC and saw lots of people queing so I went to Jusco to buy SKII set for my sis. Once done walked back to KFC, still a long que!
So, decided to walk over to Jusco food court (opposite Jusco supermarket) and walked around and see what can I eat - sushi? not in the mood; nasi lemak? no; roast chicken? no; noodles? no; pau? no; various snacks? no. Finally I settled on food from California Express BBQ and Grille Station. I saw quite a number of people eating didn't look that appertising but I just don't know what to eat...:-(
I ordered (tapau) fish and chips and chicken chop (thought of going to my sis's house after I was done with 1-Utama). Sigh...had to wait quite a while. When I asked the bangladeshi waiter he apologised - he said they only have one cook so it'll take a while....thought of leaving but the bangla looked soo sincere and I felt guilty to cancel my order...
Reached home (decided to forget about my sis's house, too tired) and decided to eat both dishes (ha ha didn't finish them, just tried a bit from both dishes), nothing great, but then again what can one expect? It is cheap. Exceeds my expectation though..I though it will taste a lot worse :-)
Surprisingly, quite a few bloggers actually love this place. For pictures and price and review on various dishes visit blogs listed below.

Images from
Other bloggers:
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
My dining places in Bandar Sri Damansara
Well..Sri Damansara (SD) is not big in term of food my choice is very limited. But, for me I just eat so that my tummy won't growl. To demonstrate my 'chincai' attitude to my daily meals? Hmm last friday after qiqong at the office, I went to the pasar malam near my office, bought fried mee mixed with kueytiaw (RM2), beef murtabak (RM2), Rawang popiah (RM2), karipap (RM2) and coconut drink (RM3). In the car towards home I polished off the karipap. My dinner at home the fried noodles. My next day lunch - popiah n murtabak.

Images from, &,
Basically in Sri Damansara, there are:
- 7 mamak restaurants (Nasi Kandar Sedap, Al-Safa, Riyadth and 2 other eateries within the same enclave, AMS Smart and Al-Bidayah);
- 2 Fast food joints - McD (next to Shell petrol station) & Pizza Hut (next to Maybank);
- Secret Recipe (next to Grand Union supermarket) and;
- 2 malay restaurants (Zulpura & an unnamed restaurant next to it);
- a chinese-malay-thai-western restaurant (Groupbase) behind RHB Bank and;
- rows of malay stalls along Persiaran Meranti and stalls opposite 7-11.
- there are few more restaurants and stalls but you have to drive further inside Sri Damansara (away from main road, towards the mosque and probably other areas too) - so I never really bothered.
For mamak I usually frequented either Nasi Kandar Sedap or Al-Safa . I went once to Riyadth and saw a worker sneezed while preparing my food and I just walked off and never to return. Normally I'll eat either nasi kandar or fried mee and sometimes tosai or capati at Nasi Kandar Sedap or Al-Safa . Actually I quite like tosai at Al-Safa.
Al-Safa was quite a new addition to Sri Damansara, before that, the corner lot was occupied by few indian restuarants but for some reason kept on changing owners. I never bothered to try Al-Safa until my hair stylist at Bianco told me that the food there was not bad. Certainly better than other mamak eateries in Sri Damansara but not great.

Images from & &
As for malay food I frequented Zulpura more than its neighbour. The neighbour's food? Well lots of varieties and arranged like a buffet table at a hotel (nasi campur dishes) but taste wise? I prefer Zulpura. Even their nasi goreng, noodles etc taste quite bland...:-(

There's a stall in front of Grand Union selling nasi campur during day time and nasi lemak at night. Taste better than Zulpura or its neighbour...but not that much varieties. Once in a while ok la I least I've an alternative place....if I get bored with the limited eateries that I mentioned earlier.
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Malay stalls (rows of stalls opposite 7-11) - Well..I guess taste wise maybe similar to Zulpura's neighbour.
Stalls along Persiaran Meranti? hmm..looks quite dirty to me (stalls are located just next to a storm drain, I guess easy for them to discharge their waste). I don't think they have water tap here (I guess the hawkers bring their own water).Zulpura used to have really good nasi lemak but now somehow the quality is just not the same (maybe they changed their cook, I noticed a lot of old staffs no longer there, now the shop is run almost entirely by Indon). Here normally I'll order Mee Hailam/Mee Bandung/Mee or Mihun goreng/Nasi Goreng for dinner and for weekend lunch - nasi campur. Taste? Can eat la but not great.
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Sometimes I also go to this mobile stall opposite school/SD Apartment II - they sell soto, laksa, bubur sup, bakso, nasi ayam - tried all except bakso (never like bakso). Not bad....
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Groupbase? For a change I'll pay them a visit once in a while. Their nasi campur spread quite big (better than Zulpura) but more expensive. I like their spread because they offer more vegetable dishes compared to most malay restaurants. Their curry laksa very nice. Sometimes I tapau their nasi ayam and beef & spring onion noodles.
The rest of the menu? Tried almost all of them and I don't like it. Once brought my bf n his mom for dinner here. Major disaster! Service was bad and food was horrible (we ordered dishes), I remember their kailan was tough n the rest of the dishes equally bad. My bf said he'll never return to this place. Of course his mom wasn't happy either...oops!
Image from & &
When I'm bored with all the above I'll pay Secret Recipe a visit - normally I'll tapau chicken kebab, tumeric chicken or vietnamese noodle and sometimes spaghetti bolognaise or chicken cordon bleu or their steak or fish & chips or their pies. Ha ha had tried almost their entire menu...again taste not that great but a girl has to eat right?
Images from & & &
Next alternative - fast food - McDonald or Pizza Hut or Domino (delivery)...
Breakfast? Plenty of nasi lemak mobile stalls along the roads in the morning (especially along Persiaran Meranti). They sell usual stuff - nasi lemak, nasi dagang, nasi kerabu, laksam, mihun/mi/kuewtiaw/nasi goreng and kuih. For me I've tried almost all of them and I prefer the 1st stall that you'll see sited opposite rows of terrace houses next to the low cost apartments (if you are coming from SD Apartment, the first stall on the left). I love their beef rendang. Again the standard has somehow slides, used to taste better (perhaps they sourced the kuih etc from different supplier now). Even the nasi lemak etc does not taste good anymore...what a pity.

Image from
& & &
Bakeries? 2 of them one is the one next to Watson and the other one is Berry's. I prefer Berry's.
Of course quite a number of stalls selling typical malaysian tea favourites - goreng pisang, cendol, fruit rojak, putu buloh etc in the evening too.

Images from & & &
What does my bf thinks about the eateries above? He doesn't like any of them. So, when we eat our dinner (or weekend lunch) we'll drive out as you have read from previous postings.
What others say about the eateries:
It's called Restoran Zulpura and the nasi lemak is good. They also have lontong, fried mee and kuih-muih. The lunch spread is also good. [Posted By Dim Sum]
They've got quite nice hokkien noodles there. the sauce were really thick black and everything was balanced.
..tak pernah saya kecewa dengan makanan di Groupbase. Nasi campurnya dengan lauk yang fresh tak pernah tak sedap. Masakan goreng nasi ke, mee ke ala China memang best. Chicken chop dia ni, according to my daughter yang suka chicken chop, is the best in KL. Masakan Thai dia pun best.
setakat ni tempat mkn paling murah dan best yg saya selalu pegi kat area Sri Damansara.. nama restaurant tu Group Base ..
groupbase! Haha, it's a restaurant in bdr sri damansara that has been opened for sooo long? Since.. before I was born, actually. HAAAAA! Lama kan? Since we ate dinner already, we had dessert. MMMMMMMMM, I had I had I had. Hahahah chocolate mousse cake :D Omgggg.. It felt like ice cream melting in my mouth.
groupbase sedap I went there several times plus ada chinese style of cooking.
My food wishlist - 1. Honey Lemon Chicken Rice at Groupbase Restaurant, Bdr Sri Damansara.
stopped by Groupbase Restaurant in Sri Damansara for lunch at 1.40pm. Had rice with sweet & sour fish, beancurd + vegetables and sambal.
Nasi Kandar Sedap
Stall Beragas
1. restoren beragas sri damansara (org sekitar area ni mmg tau la tpt ni... artis2 pon selalu nampak mkn kat sini dgn spek itam atau cap atau selendang ala2 cover line giteww)
Nasi ayam Baragas - Lokasi di Bandar Sri Damansara. Sebelah MCD di direct stall mkn. Kedai di tgh. Nasik ayam die nie lain pesen skit lah. Psl ayam die goreng ranggup kalah KFC hehehe. Harge pun oklah kalau tak silap rm4.00 kot.
Other eateries in Sri Damansara (not necessarily halal)